Furniture Reports

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Furniture report technicians in Manchester, North West England

Contact the furniture expert Diamond Munoz B.Sc. Hons. C.G.L.I. Adv. to find out more. You can contact us in Altrincham, Chester, Stockport, Manchester South West and Manchester South East for our services.

Independent furniture report specialists

Our furniture experts are totally independent and qualified. We work with customers across North West England including Manchester. We are totally independent of the Furniture Ombudsman. We offer a wide range of furniture services, including furniture reports. You can also call us for furniture restoration specialists.
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We are independent furniture report specialists

We are independent furniture report specialists. We can write reports on

  • Damage assessments
  • Faulty goods
  • Causes of damage
  • Fit for purpose
Trust our furniture reports

Why trust our furniture reports?

Our service is backed by 25 years' experience in the furniture industry, and with certificates in all of the furniture disciplines and a wood science degree from Bangor University.

How the retailer resolution works

The government made the retailers set up a body to deal with the deluge of consumer complaints against the furniture retailers. The Furniture Ombudsman was set up by the retailers to deal with these problems. The problem is that the success of the customer to get satisfaction for their complaints has gone down from 70% to 30% in favour of the consumer, according to an article which is written by The Guardian newspaper online. Being independent, we do not adhere to the Furniture Ombudsman's code of practice. We offer furniture reports at affordable prices. 

How the complaint system works

1. You complain
2. They challenge your complaint
3. The retailer offers a technician from a sub-contractor franchise company like Servico, Eco-Master, Leather Master, Homeserve etc. For which consumers have to pay at least £45 for. 


1. The consumer is paying for a so-called expert that usually has no qualifications within the furniture industry.
2. The so-called expert is being paid £30 per appointment to fob you off from the franchises mentioned above, who in turn get all their work from the retailers. 


Furniture case studies 

Call Diamond Restoration for more information. Based in Manchester, our furniture restoration specialists work with customers throughout Altrincham, Chester, Stockport, Manchester South West and Manchester South East.

Settee problems

  • Mr Jamil in Manchester had the suite for 12 months. At a cost of £4200, as can be seen, there is a seam problem issue and a quality of the whole suite issue. The company sent out a so-called technician, he found no fault with the suite, it is a wear and tear issue, laughable after 12 months. Court pending.

  • Mrs Alonson white leather suite cost £3500 in Manchester. She had the suite for 3 months, discolouration appeared, on wearable parts of the suite and on the unwearable parts too, informed to find out whether it was a branded suite. It was a no, then found out through some detective work that they were being imported from China via Birmingham and supplied to this retailer. The refund is currently pending.

  • Mrs Charlesworth purchased a chair from Argos £700, within 2 months the arm broke off, the company sent a technician found it was a wear and tear issue, on closer inspection of the broken arm, found there were technical points to be forwarded to manufacturer, full refund. This is important, from all the reports that I have written no one has phoned me from the manufacturer or retailer to query my report. Therefore the report stands, and in a court of law, you must produce evidence to the contrary to contest my finding, therefore if it goes to court as the report has not been contested the judge will rule against the manufacturer or retailer and further cost will be incurred by them if we have to be a witness.

  • Mrs Lightfoot from Hadfield, had a settee for 3 months £1800, looked like it was 3-years old, complete refund was given.
Contact us
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Call Diamond Restoration on
07970 643 832
for more details about furniture reports. We have expert furniture report technicians. 
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